Multikulturní centrum Praha


Forgotten Camps


Intercultural training for professionals working with refugees from Ukraine II.


Awareness in Ukrainian Facebook and Telegram groups


Development of the project Prague shared and divided


Methodological support and training in the field of intercultural competences for professionals with an emphasis on schools and other institutions working with children and youth


Informing and building the capacity of local communities when working with holders of temporary protection


History, Society and Culture of the 20th Century in the Digital Sources of MKC Prague Library


Integration and segregation in the city: the history of the Holocaust in Prague through a mobile web application


Prague Shared and Divided

In the remembrance/historical project “Prague Shared and Divided”, two main tools were created to explore public space and multiple memories of Prague: alternative guided tours and an interactive...
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Webové projekty Multikulturního centra Praha

Praha sdílená a rozdělená
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